Tea extract contains a variety of effective ingredients, but many people do not understand the specific effects of these effective ingredients. Let me introduce the role of these active ingredients.
1. Whitening e
Naringenin (citrus extract) is a flavonoid compound found in citrus fruits. A recent study by the Louisiana State University Biomedical Research Center showed that this chemical can control blood sugar levels and burn mo
What does citrus extract do?
The main raw materials of citrus extracts are tangerines, chamomile and other sweet oranges. The main chemical components include isoflavones, carotene and other glycerol sugars, lipids
Neohesperidin, extracted from lime peel. Naringin and neohesperidin with a bitter taste are opened by alkali and then hydrogenated under palladium catalysis to obtain naringin dihydrochalcone and neohesp
Naringin is a complex of glucose, rhamnose and naringin. It is white to light yellow crystalline powder. Normally, it contains 6 to 8 crystal waters and has a melting point of 83°C. Dry to constant weight at 110°
Sweeteners are divided into artificial sweeteners and natural sweeteners, but the boundaries are not clear. For example, some artificial sweeteners are extracted from natural plants or sucrose itself, while some natural
sweetener is a general term for substances that can impart sweetness to food. Generally speaking, sweetener can be divided into nutritional sweetener and non-nutritive sweetener. The former has the same s